EIP-Agri-Project 2020-2023

It's not enough to want to, you have to do it.

J. W. v. Goethe

Active climate protection - we do something

We want to change something for the better and have therefore launched this pioneering research project. As a versatile team, we have extensive knowledge and decades of practical experience, including in the fields of ecology, soil science, grassland management and dairy farming.

Why are we doing this?

Our world as we know it is changing "suddenly" very rapidly.  As a result, we are all forced to adapt our behaviour patterns. We are currently experiencing in a rough way that tried and tested systems, theories, practices and thought patterns no longer fit. Alternatives are in demand, which differ fundamentally from previous models and approaches and are effective. In this project we do exactly that: we develop and review new strategies to secure the future of agriculture and the basic food supply. We are convinced that especially in view of the expected environmental and climate changes, the findings of KUHproKLIMA will be groundbreaking for the future orientation of (grassland) agriculture.

In addition to numerous information events and publications during the course of the project, we will eventually produce a Best Practice Guideline, which will be available free of charge on our website.

We applied for EU funding, which was approved in mid-March 2020. However, the funds will not cover the entire costs of this non-profit project and can only be drawn down twice a year. In order for the implementation to succeed as planned, we must provide self-financing of exactly €   174.232,67  in addition to our work.  We are very happy about the financial support of committed people and institutions who, like us, are committed to sustainable agriculture and want to make an active contribution to climate protection. Every amount is welcome and can be paid directly into the adjoining bank account under the keyword "KUHproKLIMA".

Please contact us using the adjacent form if you would like to support us with a larger amount and/or require a donation receipt.

Thank you very much for your support!


I will help you


I support the KUHproKLIMA team with the following amount:


Thank you very much for your generous contribution. You are hereby supporting a groundbreaking project!


Bank details

Hans Lindner Stiftung

Usage: KUHproKLIMA

IBAN: DE 62 7432 0073 0370 3135 55